Thank You, Machine.

Ultimate is unique in a lot of ways as a national sport. Especially now, with the presence of the emerging “professional” leagues. Players are now getting “paid” to play ultimate, and that is an amazing thing. I have no idea where these leagues will end up, but it’s damn exciting to be a spectator of.

But let’s be honest: the USAU Club series is still the king of high-level ultimate. Only here will you truly get a collection of the nation’s/world’s best players. These are our elite athletes, our all-stars.

But again, ultimate is unique.

This past summer was when I decided to dive much deeper into Ultimate, and I am a unique case of a player/participant: At 24 years old, I had just finished my first season of college ultimate, and this was the first time I’d played in a real organized fashion. I loved it. I wanted more. But summer classes and a bust fall semester upcoming meant I couldn’t afford the time to tryout/play for any club team. So I spent my free time reading/watching/writing about ultimate. And on a complete whim, I sent an email to one of our elite athletes; one of our all-stars: Jonathan “Goose” Helton.

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